Archive for August, 2011

Why I LOVE what I do?

Gee! I love our customers here at Roses 2 Go Florists and A Dozen Roses – The Rose Farm in Warnervale – honestly – I really don’t want to be corny or all mooshey, but we really do have the BEST customers and they are so loyal and supportive of our family owned & operated hydroponic rose growing (A Dozen Roses – the rose farm) & retailing business (Roses 2 Go Florists) here on the Central Coast of New South Wales.

Today has been particularly special – as we have done 3 weddings & all 3 brides were delighted with their roses – YEY & even took the time out of their special day to personally thanks us – WOW!

Then, I have served some of our longest standing customers today too & the one gentleman who is especially dear to me – as he has bought roses from us since we first began selling our roses to the public by puting our kids outside the rose farm on the streetside with a make-shift sign saying “Fresh Roses for Sale” right up until today. He has recently lost his licence due to his age and deteriorating eye sight but he managed to get a lift to our rose shop at the farm to be able to buy his gorgeous dear old wife some of ‘our’ roses. I was so touched because it is a huge effort and committment to us as his preferred supplier of roses. Anyway, I offered this lovely gentleman free delivery to his home to assist with future purchases, to which he declined saying he just loves our rose shop & my “happy smiling face” – CHARMER! So I really do LOVE what I do – serving our lovely customers with the best hydroponic roses grown by my husband Wade Mann – who does so, using the latest environmentally-friendly growing techniques and is able to guarantee the vase life of our roses to last at least 7 days.

I get so involved with our customers lives and feel so priviledged to be part of their emotional journey which is really why people give roses and flowers – to help express their emotion, whether it is love, sympathy, happiness, etc.

So today I dedicate my blog to our AMAZING customers – each and every one of you are indeed appreciated and the reason I LOVE WHAT I DO – so thank-you & have a rosey day:-)

PS – I also just LOVE our ROSES – and have to admit (hoping Wade doesn’t read this & gets a big head) Wade grows the best roses & they give off such positive & happy energy too!

For more information on Roses 2 Go Florists and A Dozen Roses The Rose Farm in Warnervale – log onto . Thank-you!

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